
Friday, July 31, 2009

28 weeks -Oops Sorry I missed the other weeks!

Ya, I missed 3 weeks of updating.

Just don't know wat to write.

This pregnancy have not been a very happy one. I wanna be happy! So that I cant have a healthy baby!

Last 2 weeks was my check up and the Dr said my baby is quite small. I already guess that. My babies have never been big, so it'd be a miracle if this one is big. He have a big head though. Just like Aniq's. Haha!

I've been getting dizzy spells, fm the lack of iron I guess.I'm also down with fever, flu and bad cough the last couple of days.

And I tink my tummy is getting smaller ley. Everyone else said so also. It's kinda worrying me. It's not as big as it's supposed to be. I'm in my 7th mth now, but my tummy is small like 5mths, or rather it had stopped growing the last 2 mths. Weird. But baby is still growing and active. Ok never mind I'll google up later.

I gained another 3 kgs. Damn it. This time I know its all goin to me and not the baby.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

25 weeks - Braxton Hick, Swelling, Breathless

Yes, that is all that I am feeling now.

The contractions are getting more frequent now. Hope it's nothing bad. Well no bleeding so far, so should be good lah.

I know I've been too active, as always. Yes, I still ride the bike the work. Muaahahah! But I cant walk far! The bloody bus stop is so far from my work place and cab rides are so bloody expensive!

Eh I still ride the bike up to my last months before, even to JB. So what is the short distance from home to work.

But this pregnancy is different abit lah. I feel so heavy now and it's only the 6th mth! I cant walk far, else I'll get the ligament pain. My feet and hands are starting to swell already. Never had any swelling for the last preggys.

Age is really catching up with me I guess. So I'm glad I'm doing this now. Imagine if I only do it in the next few years. It will be worst! It will be no fun being pregnant.

Anyway, had a talk with him the next day after my post. I almost didnt say anyting to him dat day. The sight of him drives me crazy and I kept on crying.

He went to work that nite and msned me and asked me wats wrong. I was suprised by his reply. HE ACTUALLY APOLOGIZE! Unbelievable! U know that night I almost wanted to book a ticket to Perth, before we msned of coz.

So now, he holds me again, like he use to. He waits for me.

Btw the above is a pic of me 25 weeks, being prego and vain. Muahahah!

Monday, July 6, 2009

24 Weeks - Unappreciated

I really dont know wats wrong with me recently. But today I'm feeling my worst. Was I being too sensitive?

Yesterday, we were at skatepark. It was raining. My slippers were slippery. He didnt even bother to look back, as usual. He walk right infront. Lucky I have my girls to help me walk. Was just holding me to keep my balance too much to ask? If the girls were not there, would he hold my hand then?

Throughout the 6 months, I really dont feel the love and concern I use to get before. Maybe I'm too fat and ugly now dat I am an embarrasment to him?

I'm feeling unappeciated. Invinsible to him at times.

I cried today. Should I? As hard as I try to hold the tears, it came down profusely.

He asked me this morning, wats wrong. I said nothing. Of coz i had to say nothing. Becoz saying wat I actually feel would lead to a big argument, which will make things worst! I'll end up crying more and it's no good for my da tao. But keeping all this aint making it any better, does it?

How heartless can someone be? He is a human who loved me before, protected me. But now I feel like I'm all alone in this. I know I have manje, who will be there within a call. So I'm glad I have this baby sis of mine.

But it shuld be him, shuldnt it? Why doesnt he want to? Why isnt he? Why?

Why the people who shuld be happy, protecting me, be here for me isnt here??