
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello! I'm 16 days today!

I've been a good boy so far. Only cry when I want my milk. My SB level have oso gone down. I have another, hopefully the last check next week. OKlah...feeling sleepy again....ciao ciao..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The birth of Mir Adheen

As I rest in my bed, watching with total amazement of a tiny little boy suckling on breast, I thank God for the wonderful gift I am holding..

This precious gift, we named Mir Adheen, was born on 06th Oct 2009 at 1155hrs, born at 37 weeks 5 days, weighing at 2.89kgs

And now, I have two important men in my life sharing the same birthday..

This is the Birth Story of..

Mir Adheen Bin Yazid

05th Oct 09, 1730hrs, I was feeling mild contractions, coming at 15 mins apart. Called chubby but told him to relax as it was still mild so we have a long way to go. Slowly packed my stuff. Was supposedly to go Tampines one dat nite to buy the rest of the baby stuffs.

1945hrs, left home to make our way to ESH. Dropped by Singpost to buy the coupon in case we need to use the car.

2030hrs, reached ESH and was sent to labour ward to be examined.

2100hrs, strapped on CTG, VE done. I was 3cm dilated. Contractions at 15 mins apart still.

06th Oct, 0005 hrs, sang chubby a birthday song. Contractions getting less stronger

0600hrs, Dr decided to induce me, my contractions were getting lesser and I was still only 3cm dilated

0830hrs, Dr Lim, Dr Heng's replacement arrived, burst waterbag. I was given light breakfast. This is when the real actions began.

0900hrs, contractions gets more regular and intense. 3 mins apart only. Drip was increased. 4cm dilated. I was given the jab.

0945hrs Baby heart beat was dropping. So had to stop with the laughing gas and was made to breath oxygen only.

1020hrs 5cm dilated. Baby heartbeat went back normal, so was given back the gas. At this time, chubby was busy smsing, msning and fbing. Nabeiness rite??? It's bout my labour progress lah, but!

1100hrs 6cm dilated. Baby heartbeat dropped again. Laughing gas stripped off again. This time I had to put on the oxygen mask. So I was bearing all the pain drug free. Just like how I had always wanted. It felt like being punched all over. I kept on reciting prayers at every contraction and breathing the oxygen deeply, just trying to make do wit it. At the same time, praying hard that nothing bad goes wrong with my baby. Kept telling myself that all the pain will be over in a few more minutes.

1130hrs I felt like pushing with every contraction. Only 7cm dilated!

1145hrs I told the nurse I have the urge to push already. She checked again already 8cm dilated. The midwife came and did the set up and asked me to if I wanted the gas. I said yes please!! Was given back the gas and the urge to push was getting stronger. Midwife pushed the gas on me and asked me to breath in deeply. Told me not to push. It was just like when it was Aniq. Coz the Dr was not there yet. Nabeiz! I breath in like it was the greatest thing in the world. And the contraction subside.

1150 Another contraction came and this time much stronger. I breathed in the gas more but it wasnt working. I just had to push. Don't care already lah. I pushed. And farted instead! Hahaha!! Ok here comes a bit of the disgusting part. Remember the breakfast I had earlier? It came out back down there. Eerks! Sorry ah! Chubby called the nurse and she saw the suprise I had for her. While she was cleaning me up, another contraction came. I breathe in more, but I just had to push and the baby head crowned. I can hear the nurse shouting," Ya allah, call the midwife!"
She came in. Another contraction came and I pushed again, the head came out and another one and he was out. I heard him crying and they immediately placed him on my tummy as chubby cuts his cord. As easy as ABC. It was all over in 5 mins.

1155hrs, Mir Adheen was born with mummy's *toot* all over his face. Sorry baby!

1218hrs the damn bloody slow dr just arrived. Pushed out my placenta, finally! Now I know how uncomfortable it can get to have yr placenta hangin inside you after the birth. Feels like another baby waiting to come out. Stitched me up. Lucky her stitching was good.

Before there was just 5 of us, and now there's 6...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

37 weeks -Is he coming already?

Ok at first i tot I wanted to write only after my CTG scan next Tues. But I'm afraid I wont be able to do dat.

Been feeling queasy since yesterday and this morning, after back fm JB, at bout 3am my mentrual cramp was quite intense. I actually noticed my stomach drop at Tesco last night already.

This morning, I felt very sickly, like want to run a fever and vomitted after a glass of water. The cramps are still there and gets worst when I walk. My pelvic area feels very sore and like throbbing pain.

So thats all for now. Baby is still actively moving. I hope he can stay in until the 6th.