
Thursday, August 27, 2009

32 weeks and Ayah got good news!

Yes he does!

Alhamdullilah, finally our life will be back on track. Now I can finally look forward to Syawal and the birth.

For me its not too good. Da Tao gave me someting new diz week, again, as usual. Sharp pain on the right side on my pelvic bone after I walk a few steps. Makin me more immobile. My legs would just jam and I have to stop walking for a few seconds. I tink his head is already too down there plus the face that he's got a big head too. So that makes it worst. Now I feel like there's a big watermelon stuck in between my legs. Ppl have been givin me the "I'm sorry u're suffering" look. And I've been getting these type of conversations

"Wah when are u due?"
"in 2 mths time"
"wah still so long ah. Looks like u're gonna give birth anytime now"


Yes I know its still that long. Can I help that my stomach looks like its bout to burst anytime now? But seriously, I don know how much bigger it can get sia.

So far so good I can fast and only didnt for one day. The day Abang In went out. We were out too much and I cannot tahan lah.

I find it amazing that I can eat dat much during break fast. Then I'll get too heavy and full. Then it'll feel like running a marathon after the prayer.

Finally got my coconut today. Been craving for it since last week sey.

Now waiting for my dengdeng from Manje....Manje come back faster lah!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

31 weeks and he's fatter!

Yeap yup! He is.

I never tot Durians will really work but it did! yeay!! Last wed I went for the check up and at 30 weeks 2 days, he was already 1654grms. That's slightly above average. At first Dr Heng said, no lah still quite small, when I told her I've been eating Durians. Then when she check the weight, she took back her words. Hmph!

OK but I gotta stop for a while now. Ppl say its heaty and chubby is afraid it'll be another botak baby like Aniq. I tink chubby banyak campur makcik2x Ikea ah.

I'm now 77.9kgs. Nabeis! Gain weight again. Of coz lah.

He is definitely getting much heavier now and I walk like a penguin now and I look like shit. Deprived of Good sleep and good sex!
I feel like my whole body is cracking each time I change my sleeping position. There's only 2 positions now btw and sex is only one. yes, I'm in such a sorry state.

Tomorrow will be the start of Ramadhan and ppl have been telling me not to fast. But if I can, why not kan. So I'll try and lets see how it goes.

Singapore hospitals are so convervative! Only one person is allowed in the labour ward and no video cams! Wa liao. I had expected they will grow out of it, but apparently not!

So its 9 more weeks to go before I can finally hold him in my arms, insyallah. And finally get my good sleep, which I know will only be a week after the birth day. I know coz, I know I will get breast engorgement and how can anyone in the right mind be having a good sleep with that!

Our life is still not back on track yet and its getting nearer and I'm getting more worried. Dear God please help us....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

30 weeks, lets fatten him up with durians!

Ok so I missed a week.

Alah, so whos counting anyway. i'm just too plain lazy to write now lah ok?

But at the same time, I want to remember every bits moment of this last pregnancy. Ok I'm confused as usual.

And getting exceptionally heavier and bigger. Tremendously bigger over the couple of weeks. I am always breathless and getting up from the chair after going to the toilet or turning my body to change position at nite is like asking me to run the 2.4km! On top of that, I have to pee almost every 2 hours or so.

Heartburn is getting less, still there, still an irritant at time, but less. So ok lah kan.

Just today, I found out why I was becoming huge all of a sudden is cause of Durian! I have been eating during and one of my colleague told me dat it can make the baby bigger fast. OK so I will eat durians more from today onwards. LOL! Coz doc say my baby is small.

Next wed will be my next check up, so we'll see how much he weights.

Oh and I read somewhere ice cream will also beef up the baby.

So more ice cream and durians for me now couldnt get any better than this eh..