
Thursday, August 13, 2009

30 weeks, lets fatten him up with durians!

Ok so I missed a week.

Alah, so whos counting anyway. i'm just too plain lazy to write now lah ok?

But at the same time, I want to remember every bits moment of this last pregnancy. Ok I'm confused as usual.

And getting exceptionally heavier and bigger. Tremendously bigger over the couple of weeks. I am always breathless and getting up from the chair after going to the toilet or turning my body to change position at nite is like asking me to run the 2.4km! On top of that, I have to pee almost every 2 hours or so.

Heartburn is getting less, still there, still an irritant at time, but less. So ok lah kan.

Just today, I found out why I was becoming huge all of a sudden is cause of Durian! I have been eating during and one of my colleague told me dat it can make the baby bigger fast. OK so I will eat durians more from today onwards. LOL! Coz doc say my baby is small.

Next wed will be my next check up, so we'll see how much he weights.

Oh and I read somewhere ice cream will also beef up the baby.

So more ice cream and durians for me now couldnt get any better than this eh..

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