
Monday, September 28, 2009

36 weeks Update

In 3 days time I'll be a full term, yeay!!! Ok baby u can come out anytime after thurs k.

Went for my check up just now. I'm now 81.9kgs. Da Tao is 2.6 kgs. Everything is well. Blood pressure ok.

This Dr Heng eh always never tell me many things bout the pregnancy one, like other gynaes. Never tell me if the baby is engaged or wat not. Maybe not telling means there's nothing to tell = to everything is going ok.

But she don wanna do the VE for me. I think she scared it will trigger labour or maybe I'll be over excited if I know how much I have dilated. I guess I already am and she knows.Hmph!
She'll be gone tomorrow for the next 10 days. I'll be doing my CTG on chubby's Bday next week at the hospital. Great! At least I can see how it looks like.

My feet have been swelling, unswelling, swelling. So irritating. My face and fingers are also swelling. Now my nose is like hidung paip. Or a better way to describe it, like Nurul's. Muahahahhahah!!

I still have tonnes of preps for the baby not done yet.
set up baby cot
buy milk bottle
buy thermos flask

Not sure if I should already start packing my labour bag.

Waiting for something lah. Once that thing is ok. I can do the preps at ease...

God please make it ok...amin...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

35 weeks My Big round basketball

And datz my big round basketball. Yes very very very the heavy. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi aku ni yang pikul.Hahahah!!

Raya is so boring this year coz I dont get to play dress up. So I dress up my princess only lah. I didnt even cry during the maaf maafan! I tot I would being all hormonal, but I guess the boys hormones are too overwhelming leaving me emotionless.But I was perspiring like crazy! Literally dropping sweats on the floor.
I can only wear slipper. How sad is that. Dah glamour2x, pastu pakai slipper.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 34 -Swelling, Swell, Swolen

So now finally I get to the taste of swelling feet. Yeay!!

Never had this before for the last 3 and now for the 4th, final one, i get it.

The BH are getting more frequent and intense now. I've been doing a lot of walking these days.

Ok at first I tot only I have the most inconsiderate hubby in the whole universe, but it turns out I am not the only one going thru this emo wreck feeling. Other mummies from the forum, mostly expecting their 2nd and above ones are oso suffering from the "My Hubby is useless" syndrome.

Not sure if its anything to do with our hormones, but it seems like we are all having the same tots and feelings. We wonder why other ppl hubby is so excited with the pregnancy and are so into it and are so considerate and pityful to their wives, but not our hubby! We feel like we are so independent that they couldnt care less. nabeiz rite? And we feel like we shuld have been a more dependent wife, then maybe they would show more concern.

You know I have a difficult time doing almost everyting, like taking off my clothes, putting on my pants and the worst is positioning myself when going to bed. I basically have to lift up my legs using my hands, coz my bed is a bit high lah. A lot of logistics needs to be done lah basically. I have to place the pillows nicely and even turning myself is a big task. Darling chubby will just lie there and look at me and sometimes even laugh! Idiotic isnt it? Why can he just help me with the positioning of the pillows when i'm lying down, seeing how difficult it is for me to manuver around. I even have to ask him to help me pull up the comforter. I have to ask!

Even that day I asked for his help to go up to Azilah house to take the baby clothes, he was so reluctant and expect me to do it! Why are men so useless I wonder??

When he had his appendix operation, I pick up everything for him, did everything for him, without having to be asked.

They are so dependent on us that they expect us to be independent in any circumstances!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

33 weeks and I'm in Pain Physically & mentally!

Walking is such a challenge now. I'm not walking anymore, just waddling.

Almost fall on my back yesterday at A&W, over spilled root beer, while so anxiously goin to Chubby to tell him we managed to skill laci the mugs.Muahaha! Padan muka aku!

But I managed to hold my balance and did a split seven instead, which now causes me great pain due to the overstretched.

Then Siti took me to wash my legs and even wanted to help me wipe my leg, while the ignorant person who planted his seed in me, just stood there and watch. You see am I wrong to get upset over this? What is so wrong for him to bend and wipe my feet for me? Salah sangat ke? Jatuh ke his status if he does that? What if I do the same thing to him? He will sure give me the F face and I will definitely be effed.

Then, as usual, walk in front leaving me behind, coz he knows the girls are around to help me walk. I had to asked for the favour from him to hold me, when we reached Pandan. Its sickening! I'm just sick and tired of being ignored and taken for granted.

This is definitely not how I imagined to be treated when pregnant and its definitely gonna be for the last time. Not that I already want it to be the last time before, but this just confirms it even more.

Its embarassing lah that your other half don give a damn about u infront of the friends, in this state.

U know what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna tell him that I'm giving birth. When the time comes, I'll just get a cab and go to the hospital myself.

Theres more actually lah. But I'll just keep it to myself for now..