
Friday, May 29, 2009

19 weeks

So its confirm a boy. Well I asked Dr Heng to check again just in case. Muahaha! Was hoping a miracle would happen and it becomes a girl. Nevertheless, I'm just glad he's growing well. In fact too well I think that he is above the average weight of what he is suppose to be.

At 18 weeks then, when the Dr measured him, he is supposed to be only around 190gm+ & 15.03cm. See the chart below I got from

So the weight gain of 3kgs since last month does not all go to me lah! Heng! I've not been eating that much actually, due to heartburn. So I couldnt believe it at first that I gained 3 bloody kgs! I tink its all going to the boobs and ass ah. They are rather too big right now.
The past week I am 'enjoyin' a new 'joy' of being pregnant. Constipation. Another pregos nightmare and our biggest enemy. Last night had been the worst, that I nearly cried and sorry for being bit too detailed and gross here but my ass hole is still sore from all that pushing that it was painful when i tried to do my business this morning, even though it was a normal soft feace.
I was feeling so blessed then, when constipation hadnt come to me, hearing and reading about all the other pregos complaining goin through it and now I know how painful it can get. It's almost like giving birth. In fact I think pushing the babies out are not as hard as pushing shit out! LOL!

Ok enough about the shit story already lah kan.
Today I heard another bad news. One of our groupie got retrenched. It's so sad. The logistic industry is getting bad now. I'm just glad I still get to keep my job. Alhamdullilah.
It is also so frustrating that in the news and everywhere, the govt say they are trying to help Singaporeans cope with job losses, but at the same time are giving away permits to all the Philipinos, China and other cheap labour foreigners. So hypocritical!
All the says are just for show. But the truth is they are just a bunch of selfish asslochs who only tink of their own rice bowl. It is just so easy to get work permits now. You can see all these bloody cheap labours everywhere now! Sometimes I feel like I'm in a foreign country and not Singapore. Irritating!
Then again, wat more can we do? Unlesss I have millions in the bank, I would have lived somewhere else and not on this communist island. Nabei!
But I must admit these foreigners are really good at what they do, except for the Indians. Lazy bunch of bullshitters. But the China and Phinos are ok and they are friendly. I dont blame them really coz its our selfish KNNCCB govt are the ones that is making it easy to approve permits.
Eeee!! this year I will not vote for them anymore!
Ok enough of my ranting....meeting starts in 5 mins....meeting again..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

18 weeks

So another week past.

Heartburn getting worst everyday. I can even get heartburn while eating sambal. It dont have to wait for the next hour. How shiok is dat. Damn it!

I'm still feeling the burn as I am typing now. It's driving me bonkers! The sight of anything spicy or citrusy makes me wanna puke. Wa to tahan another 5 mths.

The funny thing is I noticed, my tummy is getting smaller or maybe stagnant. Not growing anymore. But I can still feel him kicking. So that's a good sign.

I feel pain in the pelvic area each time I get up and it makes walking such a chore. I'd be walking like a penguin. Just like mak.

Sleeping is not so great now, sex isnt any better. Positions for both task are limited. Wahahah!!

Ok, so why did I wanna get pregnant again???

Oh yah, so that I can have my final baby I promised chubby before I turn 31 and becoz I wanna give Atu a partner, but unfortunately she'd be the only princess in the family. Hope she's happy with that outcome. Well, she seems ok with it.

At this point of time, I wished time would go faster, but I know I'll missed all the heartburns, backaches, big boops, kickings, squirmings, after I give birth..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

17 weeks , May Outing and Celebrations

Well, baby you can say dat again...

Phew, it had been the longest 17 weeks wait ever. But actually since Da Tao turned 14 weeks, the weeks get by faster now. Open eyes, close eyes (pejam, celik, pejam, celik) I'm already in my 17 weeks.

Alhamdullilah, all is good.

But I must say, this month is the most challenging month. We are faced again with the same challange, just when I tot life is getting better. Haiz...But we will get through this together insyallah.

This month also is the month with the most celebration and outings. My Bonus is all gone liao. Didnt get a big fat bonus like last year, as expected. But it was more than what I expect.

We went to see the sound of the sea for the first time. It was on Labour day. Damn packed with tourist, Northern Indians especially. And as usual, as irritating and rude and ignorant as ever. They think just cause they can afford to have a holiday here, it suddenly makes its alright for them to act like they own the place.

While we were waiting for the show to start, and I tell you it was a very nong nong wait, these Indians were just behind us and of coz some of them tried their best to squeeze into our seats coz we got the best seats, courtesy of Cik Usop (the priveleges of having an Uncle who works and run the show, the tickets were free oso, of coz), one of their kid managed to squeeze himself in between us. Ok never mind. So at least ask your kid to behave and make him sit quietly. BUT NO! Ignorant as they are, the child keeps on getting off and on the seat and like a keling mabuk walking, nearly falling each time and the mother who is 2nd behind our row keeps passing food to him, as if the person behind us is transparent, ignoring his presense there, without any excuse me or sorry, the ugly fat smelly arms at his face.

Then she was also walking around passing bread to her other family members, hitting ppl head with her huge fat ass, trying to be funny with Don or prolly trying get fresh with him ( coz Don looks lika a bangla...wahahah!) by asking if he wants to buy her bread for $1 coz she dont have enough money to buy the fan the sentosa ppl was selling, which she complained was too expensive and she could have gotten it for $1 in her country. Nabei! Well, hello idiotic woman, just in case u forget, you're in one of the most expensive city in the world. So what do you expect?

I keep on telling chubby just to occupy the space instead of leaving the space for the idiotic boy to sit. But chubby being the nicer half of us, still leaves the space for the boy. Until the ultimate happen, the idiotic boy, running in his usual keling mabuk way back to the his seat, fall on chubby's lap and dat was its. This was wat the idiotic mother gets from me.

The Rina Bitch Wide eye stare and , " Your son is damn irritating! Can you please take him away and make sure he behaves?!!!"

And she FINALLY ask him to sit wit her. Seriously, even China ppl behaves better than them. I think they are the worst tourist. Never have I once had a ny good encounters with North Indians. Never. But amazingly, my north Indian colleague is a great person. Maybe she have been Singaporized fully.

The week after for D's Birthday Suprise at Torstens apartment at his rooftop. It could have been much better if not for the lousy weather. It was effing warm dat nite. So wind at all! But I'm glad she loves it...

Then Bel's wedding at Asian Civilisation Museum. She was so sweet, giving her newly wedded hubby a suprise by serenating him with a song although she cant sing dat well, but still had the courage to do it. And dat is wat makes it so sweet...aww....I almost cried ya know..its the hormones...the hormones..

Then it was Mother's day celebration cum Nek Minah's Bday celebration at Cik Mar's gorgeous house at Faber Park, right after Bel's wedding.

Mak with her' twin' ( her younger sister actually but I tink my mak looks younger hehe). The only true sister she have now. The other one...indescribable, she might as well just die.
I just had to bold it coz I know her KNNCCB children will be reading it...nyeh nyeh

And with her Romeo...

This year we didnt get Mak anything extravagant as we usually did, coz recession lah. Just got her a box of very the ex chocolates, which she loves anyway coz got nuts lah. But she knows our love for her is never less, so that matter more rite?

And here's my mother day gifts from my Angels....The most I had so far...kwang kwang...

So finally, I'm 17 weeks now, loved and being loved....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Called my darling Siti this morning and gave her a Good morning suprise from Singapore. I tink she almost fell of her chair, if she was sitting then.

I could almost feel her hugging me through the phone from her shouting.

Babe, I wish you were here as much as you wished you were here right now, today especially.
But being there is something you've always dreamed of doing and you've worked hard to get it.
Wat lah you. I wish I could have been there instead of being stuck in this communist-like city.

Hope you have the most fantastic 'suprise' Berfday dinner celebration with your now love ones there....
We'll have a belated one for you here in Nov k...


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heartburn, kicking, tapping, squirming

Yes yes. I'm suffering from bad bad heartburn but enjoying the squirming, kicking and tapping of my lil da tao.

His movements are getting prominent now but only I can feel it for now. Sorry people. I know you're dying to touch and see how my belly will move on its own, but it'll be only in 2 0r 3 mths from now.

I cant eat spicy already! Waarrgghh!! It'll give me such bad heartburn that i'll feel so terrible for the new hours. I tink I may lose weight from this...or maybe not? Well, I'm just glad my chin is still single and not YET double *pray hard it wont at all* But my cheeks are getting more puffy ley.

See puffy eh? Btw that's my tummy at 14 weeks. Big ey?

Today, they announced the new set up and my nightmare came true. FCUK! I'm under that zeng BUT she can forget bout me regarding her as my BOSS and getting my respect. Forget it. And I will never ever ever let her step on my head. I will not do all the work and let her have the credit. She can effing forget bout USING ME! I hate my new post now. ALTHOUGH, I have been promoted. Still the tot of being under her...aaarrgghh!! F U CINDY!

On a better note, I dont have to put up wit ML nonsense anymore. Still I'd rather put up with his nonsense than dat MF ball carrier. Aiyah donno lah. Just glad that I still have my job, coz yesterday, 2 got laid off.

So I guess I just have to live with this for the next 5 mths, then I'll be on leave and hopefully by the time I come back to work, there are changes, otherwise....Lets just leave it to the good tots for now.

Great events to look forward to this weekend. Diane's bday at Torsten roof top on Frida, Sentosa outing on Sat, then Bel's wedding reception and Mother's day celebration on Sunday. Yeay!!