
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heartburn, kicking, tapping, squirming

Yes yes. I'm suffering from bad bad heartburn but enjoying the squirming, kicking and tapping of my lil da tao.

His movements are getting prominent now but only I can feel it for now. Sorry people. I know you're dying to touch and see how my belly will move on its own, but it'll be only in 2 0r 3 mths from now.

I cant eat spicy already! Waarrgghh!! It'll give me such bad heartburn that i'll feel so terrible for the new hours. I tink I may lose weight from this...or maybe not? Well, I'm just glad my chin is still single and not YET double *pray hard it wont at all* But my cheeks are getting more puffy ley.

See puffy eh? Btw that's my tummy at 14 weeks. Big ey?

Today, they announced the new set up and my nightmare came true. FCUK! I'm under that zeng BUT she can forget bout me regarding her as my BOSS and getting my respect. Forget it. And I will never ever ever let her step on my head. I will not do all the work and let her have the credit. She can effing forget bout USING ME! I hate my new post now. ALTHOUGH, I have been promoted. Still the tot of being under her...aaarrgghh!! F U CINDY!

On a better note, I dont have to put up wit ML nonsense anymore. Still I'd rather put up with his nonsense than dat MF ball carrier. Aiyah donno lah. Just glad that I still have my job, coz yesterday, 2 got laid off.

So I guess I just have to live with this for the next 5 mths, then I'll be on leave and hopefully by the time I come back to work, there are changes, otherwise....Lets just leave it to the good tots for now.

Great events to look forward to this weekend. Diane's bday at Torsten roof top on Frida, Sentosa outing on Sat, then Bel's wedding reception and Mother's day celebration on Sunday. Yeay!!

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