
Thursday, May 21, 2009

18 weeks

So another week past.

Heartburn getting worst everyday. I can even get heartburn while eating sambal. It dont have to wait for the next hour. How shiok is dat. Damn it!

I'm still feeling the burn as I am typing now. It's driving me bonkers! The sight of anything spicy or citrusy makes me wanna puke. Wa to tahan another 5 mths.

The funny thing is I noticed, my tummy is getting smaller or maybe stagnant. Not growing anymore. But I can still feel him kicking. So that's a good sign.

I feel pain in the pelvic area each time I get up and it makes walking such a chore. I'd be walking like a penguin. Just like mak.

Sleeping is not so great now, sex isnt any better. Positions for both task are limited. Wahahah!!

Ok, so why did I wanna get pregnant again???

Oh yah, so that I can have my final baby I promised chubby before I turn 31 and becoz I wanna give Atu a partner, but unfortunately she'd be the only princess in the family. Hope she's happy with that outcome. Well, she seems ok with it.

At this point of time, I wished time would go faster, but I know I'll missed all the heartburns, backaches, big boops, kickings, squirmings, after I give birth..

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