
Friday, May 29, 2009

19 weeks

So its confirm a boy. Well I asked Dr Heng to check again just in case. Muahaha! Was hoping a miracle would happen and it becomes a girl. Nevertheless, I'm just glad he's growing well. In fact too well I think that he is above the average weight of what he is suppose to be.

At 18 weeks then, when the Dr measured him, he is supposed to be only around 190gm+ & 15.03cm. See the chart below I got from

So the weight gain of 3kgs since last month does not all go to me lah! Heng! I've not been eating that much actually, due to heartburn. So I couldnt believe it at first that I gained 3 bloody kgs! I tink its all going to the boobs and ass ah. They are rather too big right now.
The past week I am 'enjoyin' a new 'joy' of being pregnant. Constipation. Another pregos nightmare and our biggest enemy. Last night had been the worst, that I nearly cried and sorry for being bit too detailed and gross here but my ass hole is still sore from all that pushing that it was painful when i tried to do my business this morning, even though it was a normal soft feace.
I was feeling so blessed then, when constipation hadnt come to me, hearing and reading about all the other pregos complaining goin through it and now I know how painful it can get. It's almost like giving birth. In fact I think pushing the babies out are not as hard as pushing shit out! LOL!

Ok enough about the shit story already lah kan.
Today I heard another bad news. One of our groupie got retrenched. It's so sad. The logistic industry is getting bad now. I'm just glad I still get to keep my job. Alhamdullilah.
It is also so frustrating that in the news and everywhere, the govt say they are trying to help Singaporeans cope with job losses, but at the same time are giving away permits to all the Philipinos, China and other cheap labour foreigners. So hypocritical!
All the says are just for show. But the truth is they are just a bunch of selfish asslochs who only tink of their own rice bowl. It is just so easy to get work permits now. You can see all these bloody cheap labours everywhere now! Sometimes I feel like I'm in a foreign country and not Singapore. Irritating!
Then again, wat more can we do? Unlesss I have millions in the bank, I would have lived somewhere else and not on this communist island. Nabei!
But I must admit these foreigners are really good at what they do, except for the Indians. Lazy bunch of bullshitters. But the China and Phinos are ok and they are friendly. I dont blame them really coz its our selfish KNNCCB govt are the ones that is making it easy to approve permits.
Eeee!! this year I will not vote for them anymore!
Ok enough of my ranting....meeting starts in 5 mins....meeting again..

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