
Thursday, June 18, 2009

21 Weeks - Still not in a chirpy self

So I missed last week's update..

Just in no mood to write coz I have a big big problem sitting on my head right now. Nothing much to update also. Just same old same old. Heartburn, back ache, heart burn, eh I mention that already eh?

Just that I notice my tummy is getting smaller.

Ok usually when I'm not pregnant, when I'm this stressed out, I will lose weight instantly. So I guess that's why.

No appetite to eat sometimes. I can even go without dinner at all. It's no good I know. But this prob is too much for me to handle.

2009 have not been such a good year after all. Haiz. Sometimes I wish I can just sleep and wake up when all the worries are gone.

2009 made me realise money can buy just about everything. You can even buy ppl whom never in your life you would have tot could be bought with money.

For this first time in my life, I am so angry with this person that I dont feel a single bit of guilt at all after the phone conversation, which was ended by chubby. Usually I will feel like shit. I will call or sms the person to apologize. But for the first time, I don't feel the need to apologize. For wat fuck?! I know I am not wrong.

That was when I realised that I can buy this person's symphaty and concern with money. Amazing, isnt it?

Today, by right I'll be 22 weeks, alhamdullilah. 18 more weeks to go. Yeay! I'm less than halfway there. Oh btw, I just came back from Prawning. Manje is now an expert at this. Unbelievable! And she's allergic to prawns. How ironic is that?

I'm angry, dissapointed, worry. Where's the happiness that I should be going thru?

I pity my Da Tao, who getting very active now. He's awake every 2 hours! Chia lat!

Sorry my sweet little pie. Mummy will try to be happier for you ok? Please pray for us for this great challenge to be over soon.

Dear God, please help....

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