
Monday, June 29, 2009

23 Weeks - Tummy Mummy

There you have it. My humungous tummy at 23 Weeks. This will do lah ok? I am so huge now that I've become clumsier. Food keeps on falling all over my tummy. Sungguh tak Vogue!

And yes, I will get bigger, I know. Then how to walk eh like that? I told chubby that day I want a wheel chair. It's just too heavy to walk sometimes. Especially when I get the usual contractions.

Oh, we can see the baby kick now. Manje got shocked when the he kicked her hand this afternoon.

Celebrated My one and only princess Bday yesterday at Sentosa. Supposed to be 4th July lah. But everyone will be working that day. So we had an advanced bday for her.

That's just about updates I can give so far. Trouble still sitting on my shoulders, so I really cant tink or write more happy stuff at the moment...Sorry Da Tao!

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