
Monday, March 30, 2009

10 weeks 4 days

I'm so tired today.

I'm an emotional wreck. I really dont understand why cant these ppl give in to me just this once. Sorries are not required. Just a bit of care will help me greatly. I want to be a happily preggy woman, but wit all that is goin on, how can I?

I cried again today. The guys have been so caring about me. Asking me if I have taken my medicine and all. They were at our place yesterday. Chubby said not to think too much about it. He wants me to be a happy preggy mummy and so I shall. He's here and had always been and I'm thankful for that. Thankful also for my darling Manje, taking such great care of sickly me. Thankful for the Geng Jackass for the fun and laughter. And of coz, thankful for my 3 precious angel who never fail to make me smile.

So I am thankful for these ppl that are around me now....there's nothing more that I could ask for.

Ok wait, theres one more of coz. Thankful for what God had blessed me with. For letting me keep this one. My precious lil da tao. Mummy cant wait to hold you in my arms..

My Da Tao have been very selective of his food these days. Everytime I eat, it'll be in about 15 mins when everything comes out back. Yes, I timed so that I wont vomit in the car after eating outside.

Had my first 'siput biawak' last nite. I was just too tired that I fell asleep without recalling wat I did to make it ok. It's been years since I had it, so cant really remember wat to do and usually it'll be chubby who will flex my foot to make the cramp go away. LOL! Told him this morning about it and now he have to be on standby again for my cramps.

Rachel and Fizah are also preggy. Almost same EDD as mine. So happy for them!

Ok I'm too sleepy to write more. 2 more weeks and I'll be in my 2T. Insyallah. Amin..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Lil Da Tao

Presenting my Lil' Da Tao..measuring at 2.56cm.

I've gained 1 kg from the last check up. Errk! I tot I would lose weight from all that vomitting and not eating. Well, lets hope, it's all going to the baby.

I actually wanted to keep this private till my 12 weeks. But after seeing the lil human in me growing well, I can't keep this secrete any longer. Else I'll explode! Well, you are most welcome to read from the beginning... :D, if it interest you that is.

Alhamdulllilah. As you can see, my lil bean have taken form into a tiny human. He looks quite fat eh? I'm just assuming it's a boy now. Maternal instinct.

So now I'm at 9 weeks 6 days. Chubby was amazed at the baby's growth. Still not much excitement I can see from him. I asked for spring chicken in the middle of the night and didnt get it. I was expected to go down together to buy. I might as well get it myself right? #$@!

I was even determined to go for the check up myself yesterday and he said of coz he will follow. Bah!

The sad part is I cant deliver the baby on Chubby's bday coz Dr Heng will be away. waarrgghh!! So I guess I'll just deliver it when he wants to come out lor..

Monday, March 23, 2009

9 weeks 1 or 4 days

Alhamdullilah. I am in the week where I lost the last one. Ocassional throwing up is still occuring. Which is good.

I'm not my best today. Got flu and feeling a bit feverish.

Sometimes I get sharp cramps when I get up too fast from the sofa. Hope that's ok. It's great to be able to share experiences with other MTBs on Singaporemotherhood forum. Its been about a week since I joined and it felt like I've know theme forever.

I'm now officially appointed as the VP of our RYC (Royal Yellow Club). It's a made up club in the forum, where the yellow mindeds are selected or rather appointed. LOL!

For now it's only Ros,Siti, Mak, Kak Juli, Manje & Chubby knows bout my pregnancy. Coz these are the ppl that matters anyway.

I am suprised at myself, that with this pregnancy, I can control my anger well. I don't get agitated easily. But I tink I'm a bit oversensitive when it comes to chubby. I feel like he doesnt seem to be loving me as he always had. He doesnt hold me like he use too. It seems like I'm the only one pulling the string now. I feel like he has someone else. Or maybe it's just me to feel this way. I'm losing the confidence on myself that i use to have, now that I'm getting bigger and uglier. I dont see him being to eager bout our baby. Everytime I talk bout my irritants, he will just give me an ignorant look. Like, "so?". I have decided not to ask him if he will come with me to the check ups. I can go on my own. You know the last time we went for the check up, after I arrange for the next appointment, I told him maybe I'll change to Mondays instead so that he can come. And he said, but that doesnt guarantee that he can accompany me. Its like he's trying to siam from the appointments. So I decided to keep it at Wednesdays, coz it wont make much diff anyway.

But whatever happens, I will still keep this baby and take care of it on my own. I am and have always been independent and nothing will shatter that.

I have decided to officiall make this Blog public after my check up with Dr Heng this wednesday, if everthing goes well that it, insyallah. But it wont be publicly announced. If ppl happen to see my blog, then they'll know lah.

Jas gave birth to a healthy baby boy 3.3kg last friday at 840 hrs. So happy for her. Glad everthing went ok.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

8 weeks 2 or 5 days

Yesterday was the worst of my morning sickness. This pregnancy morning sickness is not as bad as last time. I dont throw up after every meal. But I feel nausea most of the time and feel like vomitting but nothing actually comes out. But when I do vomit,its much easier now than it was the last few weeks.

I've pushed my appointment to next wed. Shortage of cash supply. hehe. Its better next week so that I hope I can finally see a shape of my baby. I hope.

Next week is the moment of truth week for me, coz it's the week I lost the last baby. So far alhamdulilah. I've been having morning sickness and my breast is like a cow's breast. So the symptoms are still around, which means baby is progressing. Insyallah.

Jas is scheduled for a c section this Friday. Hope she can tahan till then. She has already dilated 4 cm last Sat. The baby is in breech position. Now all this is making me scared. Coz I could also be going thru the same thing. Hope everything goes well with her and her baby..amin

Last night I dreamt that I was bleeding. Hope it's just a dream. It was so real. I didnt cry, as usual. Just dumbfounded. Emotionless.

The superhuman heart beats in me...hope it stays for the next 32 weeks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

7 weeks 1 or 4 days

Well actually I kinda lost count. According to calculations I shuld be 7 weeks 4 days, but according to the last scan now i shuld be 7 weeks 1 day.

But whatever the day I am now, I'm just glad i'm still counting. Alhamdullilah.

Still feeling sick each time I think about the longkang prawns I had last sat at the Prawning session. Wek! I tink it's just me lah. The prawns don really taste that bad according to Cindy. Ok I have to stop typing and tinking bout the prawns already coz it's making me quesy.

Chatted with Bliszy today and it's feels so shiok to be able to tell someone all bout my pregnancy. The tings I'm goin thru and all.

Last sat at the lame bday party, the kepo Kak ana, hubby's cousin asked, " eh eh Ina kak ana nak tanya sikit. Apsal sihat sgt skrg ?" Expecting the 'answer' fm me. I just told her happy. gemuklah. Kwang Kwang.

Today hyder asked also and insisted I said a yes, but each time I would talk bout other tings.

4 more weeks to go and I can say.insyallah...

i'm craving for zinger, since last sat. As usuallah kan Hubby buat bodoh. So later I'm getting it. Now I've given up telling him my craves. I'll just get it myself. Tak sakit hati.

I'm bringing adik and manje for the check up next week. They donno. It'll be a suprise. Cant't wait!

I do hope the next check up brings good news though...*prays hard*

Thursday, March 5, 2009

6 weeks 4 days

So I still am...huhu..

Was at Tioman last Sat and just back on Tues. We went kai kai on Mon and this idiot brought us to the waterfall. Knowing that we have 2 small kids. He said it was just 2 mins walk to the waterfall. He drove us there and left us to find our way to the waterfall.

So I tot it''ll be a just a normal walk but NO! it wasnt. It was a tricky hike down to the waterfall. Idiot sia the driver. Tak ikhlas langsung. And I fell hard on my right side butt. I prayed hard noting will happen.

Ok On sat morning, 28 Feb, just before I want to start packing, went to the toilet and got brown discharge. So we went to KK and alhamdullilah everything is ok. The baby had a heart beat. it was 0.21 cm and arnd 6 weeks.

At first I decided not to see Dr Heng since I already went to KK kan. A bit tight on budget lah. But after that incident I had to check

So yesterday I went and told my darling Dr what happen and she said not to worry. We checked and alhamdullilah the baby is still there healthy and growing. It had grown up to 0.75cm, with heart beat and at 6 weeks 3 days.

She said now we will aim for a girl. But I'm just aiming for a healthy baby...

The morning sickness comes and go. Amazing I was ok at Tioman but felt a bit sick on the way back and also yesterday morning. Today I'm ok. But I'm not eating that well nowadays. Don't feel so greedy anymore. Don't know why eh. But good lah. So I dont put on so much.

Next appointment is on the 18th Mar. I'll bring Manje and give her the suprise.Hehe..

Hope it grows more...insyallah...amin.