
Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Lil Da Tao

Presenting my Lil' Da Tao..measuring at 2.56cm.

I've gained 1 kg from the last check up. Errk! I tot I would lose weight from all that vomitting and not eating. Well, lets hope, it's all going to the baby.

I actually wanted to keep this private till my 12 weeks. But after seeing the lil human in me growing well, I can't keep this secrete any longer. Else I'll explode! Well, you are most welcome to read from the beginning... :D, if it interest you that is.

Alhamdulllilah. As you can see, my lil bean have taken form into a tiny human. He looks quite fat eh? I'm just assuming it's a boy now. Maternal instinct.

So now I'm at 9 weeks 6 days. Chubby was amazed at the baby's growth. Still not much excitement I can see from him. I asked for spring chicken in the middle of the night and didnt get it. I was expected to go down together to buy. I might as well get it myself right? #$@!

I was even determined to go for the check up myself yesterday and he said of coz he will follow. Bah!

The sad part is I cant deliver the baby on Chubby's bday coz Dr Heng will be away. waarrgghh!! So I guess I'll just deliver it when he wants to come out lor..

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