
Monday, February 16, 2009

Finally it happened again

I had the miscarriage last Dec.

It was terrible and recalling it hurts.

13 Feb 09 @ 1900 hrs, I did the test with Clearblue. The + sign appeared.

So now, I'm blessed the second time. With the date that I had wished for - 22nd Oct 09.
Well actually I want it to be 6 Oct. But it'll be too early to deliver.

I'm not announcing or getting too excited about it coz the feeling of being so happy then so sad within seconds is so depressing. So I'll wait till I'm after 12 weeks then I'll open this blog again to public. If it happens again, nauzubillah. It'll be kept private...haiz..

The emotions is killing me. I'm so happy but yet so scared to be dissapointed again. Never in my life I tot I would miscarry, but it did.

I did so many things last time to miscarry but didnt. And dis time I took so much care but it did. God have a funny way of giving and taking things but I know watver he decides is for the best.

I really hope nothing bad happens this time since It'll be due on my mak's bday and this will be one of the best gift i can give her. Just to see the smile on her face is an overwhelming feeling.

I'm feeling so fatigue and aching all over. Its terrible. I just wanna sleep please and a foot massage can?

The only ppl who knows now are my hubby of coz, mak & bliszy. Had to tell her coz she left for perth today and I want to tell her personally.

Yesterday my galfrens asked but I managed to stay calm and told them I will tell when the time comes..Jas was pestering me like a lalat today, managed to shoo her off..hehe

Dont tink I can keep it for so long as my tummy if getting bigger. I'm eating well you see.

I've been having discharge and a bit of cramps and everytime I go to the toilet I hoped so badly that I'm not bleeding.

Dear Allah, you have given me a second chance and I am very thankful for that. Please let me keep this one....please...

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