
Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's a Hot Dog!

Well you cant see the hot dog from this scan. But I saw it yesterday clearly. He proudly showed his willy to us. He was in the lazy position, all terkangkang, I think purposely want to let the mummy see.

The Dr Heng scanned from his backside and I can see two balls hanging. Before she can say it's a boy, I already know what it is. Then she scanned in another position and I can see his proud willy. No shame ah this Boy! Haha!

I saw him kicking also like he's not happy being disturb from his sleep. And finally Dr Heng let me hear the heartbeat. Maybe coz I brought the two little rascals along. They were so excited! But I know they both wanted a girl including aniq.

Then outside they converse.

Atu: Aniq kita nak kasi baby name ape eh? ( Aniq, what should we name the baby?) *in her usual kepo tone*

Aniq: Baby...

Atu: Baby je? (Baby only?)

Aniq: Baby ah! Abih nak name ape? ( Baby lah! What else then?) *with his usual not happy dont disturb me already tone*

Atu: Ok lah baby, baby lah

It was so cute to hear them converse like that. I'm very sure Atu will be a very good big sister, but not so sure about Aniq. And I dont really think Atu will be too keen to share her throne as the princess of the family.

Btw, Da Tao's kicking is getting more prominent now. It's shocking sometimes. But I'm loving it.

Thanks Allah for giving me this blessing...Alhamdullilah..

P/S We're gonna have a feast and Ka La Oke tonite at our place with the Jackos...woohhoo!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

13 weeks ++

My Da Tao Bump at 13 weeks 2 days

So finally I decided to take a pic of my huge self. As you can see I have 3 huge bumps on me. They are causing me bad bad back aches. I dont know how will I manage in the next 6 mths when it grows more. Oh yes, it can grow more and for the last pregnancies I was like a whale wit a pair of legs.

Last weekend had to be a work out weekend for me. We were at East Coast for a picnic with Hubby's family on Saturday. Then on Sunday, was Zoo outing with the Jackos. I was made to walk and walk and walk. And of coz they have no problem with walking, but hello! Well I do. But the kids had so much fun except for Atu who kept on whining, coz she couldnt get wat she wants. Now I wish this one will be a boy. Girls are more whiny and I tink having one is enough.

So yes, I want a boy....for now...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Officially in the 2nd trimester & All bout kids

Yeay!! Finally today I am officially in my 2nd trimester. 13 weeks. It had been the longest wait of my life!

My tummy is getting harder now. But no line yet visible yet running down my navel. It gets the hardest after every meal.

They say this is the honeymoon period of yr pregnancy. The best period of time. Oklah, I'm less fatique now, but my back ache is killing me. I can barely open my eyes now in the afternoon.

Btw did I already say, my little man now is now a MAN. Yes, dah baligh! Feel so odd. Last tues I send him to the clinic coz he got a high fever, maybe pasal baru baligh tak? Hahah! I was wearing my slippers and realised that he is now almost as tall as me. We dont look like mother and son. He's on a growth spurt now. I feel like he's my brother. Well we are only 17 years apart. So that explains I guess. He could have been my mum's son!

I was msning Bliszy today then suddenly this topic of breast engorgement came up. It started when she said she wanna sleep over my house when she comes back to lepas kan rindu. I said of coz she's welcome lah. Then she mentioned, " eh kak dat time you blum habis hari kan, with the baby cries and all" someting like dat lah. So I told her dat is my least worry. Its the breast engorgement part is wat I hated most in all of the pregnancy and post pregnancy period.

Its worst than labour pain. At least labour pains last only for hours. This one last for weeks. It even caused me fever and I had to take some medication to bring the swelling down. My breast felt like a rock. I feel like I'm carrying 2 big heavy rock on my body.

Ok now why did I wanna get pregnant again???

Oh wells I'm just glad I am for now. Let me regret this when I go thru it in Oct.

I'm hoping so much for a girl. They are more affectionate and more tings to dress them up with. I was at TM the other day and saw this frill skirts they sell. Atu wont look good in coz she's now as lean as a bamboo pole and too tall. Its more for cute fat babies. Atu looks like a model now. She even aims to dress up and walk like one. When ever she sits, her legs will be crossed and becoz her legs are long, she looks like a model. My baby girl has grown up so much. She's more of a big girl now. Btw I have decided to send her to Temasek Pri. Better lah there. Ppl shift houses, do parent duty just to get their kid into temasek Pri. Whilst I can easily get her in and for me to let that go, would very koo koo rite?

Aniq. What can I say bout my little mischevious Aniq. A true replica of his Ayah. His face, the way he tease ppl. Life would be so boring without him and to think that I almost wanted to abort him. I'm glad I didnt. Well it would never have happened anyway. I will surely get a tight *piang* on my face.

Sometimes I wonder. Am I being too lenient about my kids education? I should worry that till now, they still dont know their ABCs. Well I do of coz. But I just know deep in my heart that they will find a way to know it and learn it by hard themselves. I never pushed Akim. Ok so he was very slow at first. But now, he can pass all his subjects effortlessly. I never see him study, yet he scored such good marks for the last exam. Face it, some kids are slow whilst some are just born smart. really!

This is true fact. I never had any private tuition coz we couldnt afford one. My mum never monitor my studies. Hell she wasnt even there when I took my awards. But I still excel better than my cousins who had expensive good private tutors coaching them.

For me I just want them to make learning a fun experience. Not some hellish time. They dont have to be first in everything like how some other kiasu parents push their kids. As long as they did it and had fun with it, I'm just as proud as any other parents are. My ex boss, Andreas ever told me this. He dont get it why most Singaporeans get tutors for their kids to study after school, when the kids are already so drained out in school. The kids should rest and have some playtime so that they could concentrate in class. Well, I couldnt agree more! He's a german by the way. And they're smart. So that should be the correct way to let your kids learn.

Of coz, chubby being the typical Malay sporean who see his sister pushed her kids really hard wants me to teach my kids just like his sister. Well hello, no way hozay. I'm not a physco maniac crazy over ppl praises on how good my kids are at studies.As I have mentioned if the kids are born smart they dont need pushing. Her elder son is smart. I dont think its any of her efforts. He had excel through his own efforts.

As simple as that.

Well, that just my own personal opinions. Of coz you can still go ahead with your plans on how u want your kids to be smart. But one thing I cant stand are parents who like to compare.

"eh my son now can easily learn all his spelling on his own. So hows yr daughter?"

Idiotic numbwit. Well No, bragger. She cant. But she's no more wearing a pampers. I heard yours still, at 6 now??

They irritate me to the core!

You see I never like to condemn other ppl kids and make my kid look smarter than yours. Each child have their own capabilities in doing things. Well my daughter just so happen to know fashion, singing and dancing better than 123 or ABC. But still she's learning someting rite?

Its not as if she is to become a lawyer or doctor in the next 5 years? So I'm letting her do what she likes and same goes for all my other kids.

Are you so damn sure yours will turn out to be someone with high flying carreer in the future? Dont be too sure till you're there. And take care of your own will ya already?

Ok enough of my ramblings. Hey I just realise the blogger in me have slowly started to emerge back..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Counting down..

Yeay! I'm counting down to my 2T. In less than 12 hrs, I'll be in my second trimester. Alhamdullilah.

Never tot I would make it this far. OKlah aku dah jadi physco sikit, bleh?

Try getting a miscarriage then pregnant again afterwards. You'll know how it feels then, hmph!

The heartburn has started to become part of my list of irritatingness. It has replaced the vomits, which only occurs when I smell something really really bad. So right after breakfast just now, I've been burping acidic tasting gas. It sucks sucks! I also get very bad sharp cramps each time I get up from the sofa or bed too fast or when I make a wrong turn.

Actually kan, I wanted to blog tomorrow only. By wat the heck lah. Tomorrow can post another. I've been wanting to take a pic of my tummy, which is looking more rounder now. OK at least now I already look pregnant than just fat.

But my breast are humungous. I feel like a cow now! I think all the weight I'm putting on are going to the breast actually. I'm not eating dat much. But everyday I feel like having spring chicken. I had spring chicken for 2 days straight last sun and monday.

Cannot everyday lah. I'll burn my pocket like dat. This Da Tao have expensive taste. For Atu last time it was only Strawberry sundae.

Now lets talk about my feelings...

I've been hormonal lately. The slightest ting can spark emotions out of me.I get angry, sad, jealous easily.

I'm ok with being angry and sad. But I hate hate simply hate this jealousy feeling. Its always like this when I'm pregnant. Maybe I'm feeling insecure from being all fat and ugly. Ok actually I dont feel so ugly. Infact I think My face is glowing *perasan moment*. But not being seductive and luscious *another perasan moment* like I use to, makes me feel so insecure. I know hubby loves me, but maybe now he dont find me approaching anymore. Get what I mean? With the big tummy there, I feel like a bear now. Actually Yojna said I look like a bubbly teddy bear now.....Wa liao! Ok lah teddy bears are cute, so I shall take that as a compliment ok?

So I'm now more determine than ever to lose all the weight even more than my pre pregnancy weight. Curl my hair and dye it like Beyonce's hair. After I give birth of coz. So look out for Beyonce Singapore eh in Dec. Muahahah!!

I'm a bit sad and angry for not being able to share all this moments with someone. This person, as usual, as stubborn as a bull still thinks that we are the wrongs ones. This person is dissapointed still wit us. But now that I think back, this person maybe have no feeling for us anymore, so wats the point of me wasting all my tots for this person, rite? This person also is not excited for my pregnancy, all this person is thinking about is the person's self. As usual, the selfish, arrogant ignorant self.

So I shall not be bothered anymore with this person, coz I'm not giving in anymore and it never really mattered if this person was arnd or not.

Ok happy tots. 13 weeks tomollow...insyallah..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

D Quickening

Yes, I experience the first ever Da Tao's quickening today.

Actually it was last nite I think, just when I was about to sleep. I wasnt convinced at first. Then he did it again this morning at 1030am.

It was like soft kicks right in the middle just below my navel. I tot probably it could be just air. But I read on the internet that for experienced mummies like me, we could feel it as early as 12 weeks. So betul lah tu. Thank God for his miracle.

Yesterday was merlion day. I basically gagged everything that I eat or drink.

The last nasi briyani meal, supper actually, stayed in for quite a while, until irritating chubby let out the most disgusting smelling fart at Macdonalds.&*#@! Instantly everything wanted to come out. So there goes again my fourth meal of the day down the toilet bowl.

Tonight we're gonna watch 2 Fast 2 Furios4. WooHoo! 1150pm show.

I've been out till the wee hours these days. Not good eh??

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy and Angry moments

Thank God, I'll be in my 12th week this week, in a few days time, with God's willing..

Last Sat was the best Kenduri at Neneks ever. For the first time after so many years, all of Ismails were reunited. We celebrated Abah, akim and Cik Mimik's bday together gether. That must have been Abah's best bday ever coz he get to celebrate it with all his siblings for the first time. Everyone had a funtastico time.

The Ismails were a crazy bunch. I love them to the bits. Everyone was not a fake, not like the other side. What you see is what you get. No one preach or critize the other one. It was always all smiles and laughter when they gather. Even Mak prefers to be with Abah's side, rather than her own side. With Mak side, haiz. Susah nak comment. There's always something wrong with other ppl. And to think that they are very the highly ugama type of ppl. Well, maybe this is what happen when you have too much knowledge but dont share the good ones and only use what you know for stabbing purpose.

Well anyway, back to me now. I get agitated easily now. Seems like everyone is trying to get on my nerves these days, or rather the past 3 days. Chubby is so irritating! I find everything he does irritates me to the core. Even when he burps I feel like slapping the crap out of him! But I love him all the same. Just that his every bit of action irritates me. Stop it lah u GEMUK! And he is so heartless. He always leaves me to walk on my own. Menonong je jalan. What if I fall? Sometimes I wish I would then he would regret it. &%$@! I know lah now I walk so slow, but he cant wait for me meh? Men!

The other one that have been irritating me is the %$#@ ing account Sanmina. Bloody ciao cin cau! Keep asking us to lower the rates, lower the rates. They might as well get their own bloody airplane or ship and ship out their goods. And my so forever kind Sales Director, is forever giving in.

Brought MIL to the FJ sale last sat to buy her bday present. The kiasuism of the ppl in Singapore, a particular race which I shall not say which, exhibits its kiasu act to the extreme! Two of them even ran, just to get in front of me in the queue! I tried to act cool and courteous, but after being pushed without even a sorry, the Monster in me came out to the full. I push and knuckled my way into every cart. With No sorrys or excuse me, but just a bitching kiasu attitude. At times I let out a loud, "Eeerrrrggghh KIASU!" The person would stare at me, Then I would say " WAT??!!" after which Manje will come and pull me away.

Hey, I may be pregnant, but still you cant mess with me. Hmph!

Aniq have been sick the past few days. I gave him my exclusive mummy massage and alhamdullilah, he got better the next day. How amazing is the mummy's touch.

On a happier note, (I really want to be happy, hope this hormonal raging will go down soon!), I finally got my Bebe shoe last Friday, which I tried to wear yesterday and did, but decided that it will only be worn when there's very very very minimal walk involve. And I tink I felt the heart beat last friday when the baby was at the upper part of my tummy and today I tot I felt it moved, or could it be just gas...?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hormones raging -11 weeks

I'm 11 weeks finally! Thank GOD! 2 more weeks before my 2 T.

So I'm still at work now. Stupid Manila have not send in their report. &%$@#!

By the way, one of my cousin, 18 years old is preggy also. Same due month also! Hey wat's with Oct anyway eh? Ppl get excited and Babies are made on the beginning of the year I presume.

I'm going berserk this week. Mon & Tues I can't stop crying. Wed I was a happier mood coz the saga finally was over. Thurs and today, I can be cranky at times, burst out lauging so hard another time. Oh Fie is also preggy. Same Month also! And she's goin to my Dr Heng also, after I persuaded her to quickly go for her first check up. And she's happy with my gynae. Well, who wouldnt be? We'll be going for our next check up hand in hand. LOL!

I notice now, my da tao hates indian food. He rejects all indian food. Everytime I eat Indian, it will instantly come out back. Did I mention this already? yes? No? My memory is getting worst nowadays. The other day at the canteen, I couldnt even remember if the aunty have given me back my change or not.

Oh and my appetite is getting better now. In fact too good dat I constantly feel hungry.Chiew Ming ah!! I've been bad this week. 2 fast food meal. Thats no good huh. And Lotsa cold drinks. But I cant help it! Baby mummy is sorry!

Was out wit my TPS mates last Tue for the 2nd reunion. And dat forever filthy mouth Salihin says my butt looks like a huge watermelon. Idiot! You wait! I'll make you eat back yr words in Nov!

I wanna dye my hair. But not sure if its safe. On the internet it says its ok. And my niece, THE HAIRDRESSER now, also say its ok. Maybe I shall, or not. Aiyah, just so fickle minded nowadays.

I bought a Bebe Wedge and I'm GONNA WEAR THE 4 Inch wedges! Muahahah!! Till I can't lah of coz. For now I can still afford to be vain, so I shall. But only when there's minimal walk involve of coz. OK another ting I notice, I'm more vain than ever now and the black patches have start to invade my skin. Boo hoo! I saw it just beside my armpit this morning and it looks disgusting! How to wear sleeveless like this?