
Thursday, April 9, 2009

D Quickening

Yes, I experience the first ever Da Tao's quickening today.

Actually it was last nite I think, just when I was about to sleep. I wasnt convinced at first. Then he did it again this morning at 1030am.

It was like soft kicks right in the middle just below my navel. I tot probably it could be just air. But I read on the internet that for experienced mummies like me, we could feel it as early as 12 weeks. So betul lah tu. Thank God for his miracle.

Yesterday was merlion day. I basically gagged everything that I eat or drink.

The last nasi briyani meal, supper actually, stayed in for quite a while, until irritating chubby let out the most disgusting smelling fart at Macdonalds.&*#@! Instantly everything wanted to come out. So there goes again my fourth meal of the day down the toilet bowl.

Tonight we're gonna watch 2 Fast 2 Furios4. WooHoo! 1150pm show.

I've been out till the wee hours these days. Not good eh??

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