
Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy and Angry moments

Thank God, I'll be in my 12th week this week, in a few days time, with God's willing..

Last Sat was the best Kenduri at Neneks ever. For the first time after so many years, all of Ismails were reunited. We celebrated Abah, akim and Cik Mimik's bday together gether. That must have been Abah's best bday ever coz he get to celebrate it with all his siblings for the first time. Everyone had a funtastico time.

The Ismails were a crazy bunch. I love them to the bits. Everyone was not a fake, not like the other side. What you see is what you get. No one preach or critize the other one. It was always all smiles and laughter when they gather. Even Mak prefers to be with Abah's side, rather than her own side. With Mak side, haiz. Susah nak comment. There's always something wrong with other ppl. And to think that they are very the highly ugama type of ppl. Well, maybe this is what happen when you have too much knowledge but dont share the good ones and only use what you know for stabbing purpose.

Well anyway, back to me now. I get agitated easily now. Seems like everyone is trying to get on my nerves these days, or rather the past 3 days. Chubby is so irritating! I find everything he does irritates me to the core. Even when he burps I feel like slapping the crap out of him! But I love him all the same. Just that his every bit of action irritates me. Stop it lah u GEMUK! And he is so heartless. He always leaves me to walk on my own. Menonong je jalan. What if I fall? Sometimes I wish I would then he would regret it. &%$@! I know lah now I walk so slow, but he cant wait for me meh? Men!

The other one that have been irritating me is the %$#@ ing account Sanmina. Bloody ciao cin cau! Keep asking us to lower the rates, lower the rates. They might as well get their own bloody airplane or ship and ship out their goods. And my so forever kind Sales Director, is forever giving in.

Brought MIL to the FJ sale last sat to buy her bday present. The kiasuism of the ppl in Singapore, a particular race which I shall not say which, exhibits its kiasu act to the extreme! Two of them even ran, just to get in front of me in the queue! I tried to act cool and courteous, but after being pushed without even a sorry, the Monster in me came out to the full. I push and knuckled my way into every cart. With No sorrys or excuse me, but just a bitching kiasu attitude. At times I let out a loud, "Eeerrrrggghh KIASU!" The person would stare at me, Then I would say " WAT??!!" after which Manje will come and pull me away.

Hey, I may be pregnant, but still you cant mess with me. Hmph!

Aniq have been sick the past few days. I gave him my exclusive mummy massage and alhamdullilah, he got better the next day. How amazing is the mummy's touch.

On a happier note, (I really want to be happy, hope this hormonal raging will go down soon!), I finally got my Bebe shoe last Friday, which I tried to wear yesterday and did, but decided that it will only be worn when there's very very very minimal walk involve. And I tink I felt the heart beat last friday when the baby was at the upper part of my tummy and today I tot I felt it moved, or could it be just gas...?

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