
Friday, April 3, 2009

Hormones raging -11 weeks

I'm 11 weeks finally! Thank GOD! 2 more weeks before my 2 T.

So I'm still at work now. Stupid Manila have not send in their report. &%$@#!

By the way, one of my cousin, 18 years old is preggy also. Same due month also! Hey wat's with Oct anyway eh? Ppl get excited and Babies are made on the beginning of the year I presume.

I'm going berserk this week. Mon & Tues I can't stop crying. Wed I was a happier mood coz the saga finally was over. Thurs and today, I can be cranky at times, burst out lauging so hard another time. Oh Fie is also preggy. Same Month also! And she's goin to my Dr Heng also, after I persuaded her to quickly go for her first check up. And she's happy with my gynae. Well, who wouldnt be? We'll be going for our next check up hand in hand. LOL!

I notice now, my da tao hates indian food. He rejects all indian food. Everytime I eat Indian, it will instantly come out back. Did I mention this already? yes? No? My memory is getting worst nowadays. The other day at the canteen, I couldnt even remember if the aunty have given me back my change or not.

Oh and my appetite is getting better now. In fact too good dat I constantly feel hungry.Chiew Ming ah!! I've been bad this week. 2 fast food meal. Thats no good huh. And Lotsa cold drinks. But I cant help it! Baby mummy is sorry!

Was out wit my TPS mates last Tue for the 2nd reunion. And dat forever filthy mouth Salihin says my butt looks like a huge watermelon. Idiot! You wait! I'll make you eat back yr words in Nov!

I wanna dye my hair. But not sure if its safe. On the internet it says its ok. And my niece, THE HAIRDRESSER now, also say its ok. Maybe I shall, or not. Aiyah, just so fickle minded nowadays.

I bought a Bebe Wedge and I'm GONNA WEAR THE 4 Inch wedges! Muahahah!! Till I can't lah of coz. For now I can still afford to be vain, so I shall. But only when there's minimal walk involve of coz. OK another ting I notice, I'm more vain than ever now and the black patches have start to invade my skin. Boo hoo! I saw it just beside my armpit this morning and it looks disgusting! How to wear sleeveless like this?

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