
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sleepy head

Been feeling sleepy the past few days. I literally have to put a pair of toothpicks to keep my eyes open afte 10am.

The feeling of being pregnant is wonderful, yet so tiring.

I cant walk dat much now, I'll be gasping for air just after 15 mins of walking. Getting too old to be pregnant lah.

I need to start posting pictures of meself eh. Ok lah I WILL TRY to take a pic tonite. So lazy lah and if u notice I never like taking pics of myself. Moreover I look very ugly now.

Just have one more big fugly pimple on my forehead this morning. Fukc!

No Mood to werk liao nowsadays. So Looking forward to my pathetic Genting Trip. Oklah better than noting wat rite. At least I can sleep more and whenever I want to. Don't care lah if they all wanna go out on the rides. I cant anyway, double fcuk. So might as well stay in the room and sleep all day. How wonderful...

Saw Manje's post this morning.

Dont be sad baby sis, please come with us.
There is really nothing left for us here.
We have,
7 'fuck we are blood related to' relatives are still annoyingly alive here
1 or 2 are back stabber assnochs who shouldnt get involve in the first place but chose to.
The rest are never really around anyway.

Oklah, I will miss the angels of our life that's for sure.
All Cousins, aunties and Uncles fm Abah side.
A few cousins and aunties and uncles fm Mak Side
Frens, my rosie sugar babe and my geng jahat, my diboo...hehehe

Oh Wells, decide, planning and insyallah leaving...

Will you miss me when I leave?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Can I just sleep and wake Up to be here?

Can I please? 12 mths is a long wait....

2009 is gonna be my longest year I guess.

But everything have to be done as planned. The timing have to be perfect. Patience is the key word.

Insyallah, I'll wake up from the bed in a house like this in 12 mths time....amin.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Dream

I use to have a dream before. But I had chose to let it go then as it was too far beyond my reach, no matter how hard I had try to pull it nearer.

But last week, suddenly me and chubby were talking about it. Probably due to the fact that Ah Phat is working on it too and their excitement made us try to pull it again.

Then just last week, chubby's aunt pass away and his cousin had to come down to Singapore.

Well, God seems to be planning and helping us put the pieces together.

We met the cousin yesterday, told him our plan and it seems to be going right in place.

Insyallah, 2009 will be a very good year for us.

In 2009, we will welcome a new one and will be welcomed in a new place, insyallah amin...

I can see our forgotten dream turning into a reality's nearer....

Friday, November 21, 2008

My rant day.

I barely can keep my eyes open today. I tink the vomitting ordeal is starting soon. I ate a bit only today, but became merlion later.

These China ppl accent is killing my ears! So irritating sia. I notice they like to emphasize on words wit 'r' in it.

Then the way they write their email. Alamak, it's like to them they are using the most perfect chim way of writing in english, when it's actually only them who understand it! Ok I give example eh.

"Hi dear Mr.Patrick,

It is highly appreciated if you can advise the Rates/transit time ex FRA to Kuching/Peneng in Malaysia as per indicated in attached excel file.

Please kindly input the data in excel file or enlighten me the appropriate contact point for Sanmina-sci account in Frankfurt...

Thanks a lot in advance & have a nice day! "

See what I mean.

And I tell you their kiasuness. Even my colleague, who is of the same race cannot stand him!

Ok I better stop hating him so much. Nauzubillah!

So fed up with work. This particular customer I have is such an idiot! Keep on asking to reduce the price reason being oil prices have gone down. WTF sia! Even increase of the surcharges which is beyond our control also she's not happy. Nabei! Unless we buy the vessel lah then we can ship it out for you even for free. KNNCCB!

I know I'm suppose to be happy happy while pregnant. But how to when you have customers likes diz? She is beyond stupid lah!

Then the stupid Outlook keeps on hanging. If it was human, I would have bash it up ah! AAaaarrgghh!!

Then I really hate it when ppl come to my desk, knock on my desk, then without letting me explain, tell me to be xtra carefulin future before I send out any files. Then just walk off like that. Cibai!

First I'm not some new understudy who have just started working for a few mths.

Secondly, I am not some teenanger whom you can be that rude to!

I am a working professional who have been in this line for 10 yrs, an expert in excel spreadsheet and I take pride in my work. I don't do my job just anyhow one ok.

True enough when I check, the file I send is correct. I guess he feels bad about it and came back and talk nicely to me and I showed him the file i send. So later I'm sending back a screw you email to the persons who said blamed me for their mistake.

So from my rants, now you know why I do my biz like siao siao. I wanna retire young and rich!

Dont tink I can take all this pressure much longer.

7 weeks - fatter & grumpier.

On the happier note, we had our teambuilding yesterday. Bowling. Yes, I can still bowl. Hehehe...But not so good lah coz I cant throw the ball hard. Still our team won again...weehooo!!

After that very the good food!Crayfish, chillicrab, fish, mongolian tofu, and the best one,


7 weeks - fatter & fatter

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My 31pc


I ordered a 31pc lot of maternity clothings fm ebay last Sat. Stayed until 2am to bid u know!

Even comes with maternity pillow. All this for only US81.00! But the shipping cost hurts though. Still overall, I'm spending bout SG14 per piece. So still very worth the buy lah. HuHu.

Feeling a bit happier today.

Don't know why lah. My mood swings are bad these days. One day I can be fuming mad, other days, I suddenly feel sad, lonely and unloved, most days I'm my old chirpy self.

Hope the tings come fast coz as at now I can only fit into 2 pant, which would probably last until end of this week only.

Oh by the way, chubby have been suffering from bad headaches and he feels lethargic all the time. Like he plak yang pregnant eh? But I feel as energetic as always. nasib kau lah kan....kwang kwang!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Can I not have it?

Don't know why lah.

But I think most ppl are not happy with my conception.

It's not that I want it. It just happen and I'm sorry dat it did. I wish it would just dissappear, but it's still in me.

If you don't like that I'm pregnant, just tell me straight in the face. Don't pretend to be happy or be happy for me.

I know I'm getting fatter each day and less appealing. I know my face is suffering from bad breakouts. You are really not making this any easier for me. I know I look very ugly now.

I cant fit into any of my pants anymore and its getting really frustrating.

I hope I can be unpregnant. I wish whatever is growing inside me will just dissappear.

Can I not have it??

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hormones Haywire!

I've been having bad breakouts since 4 weeks ago. Aaargh!! Soon my face will look like rocky mountain sia! Fed up! Haiz... Even the masque doesnt make the porcelain look last long.

On top of that I've been very bad tempered even at the slightest thing. Thus, reading the witch blog the other day, makes my heart boils. If she was infront of my face there and then, I would have given a bashing she will remember for the rest of her life!

So she asking for it, got not one but 2 hate entries! Now what do you have to say bout dat, hoe!

Nauzubillah! My baby's face look like her! Selisih selisih!

My customer are not giving me such a good time either. Keep on asking to reduce rates coz oil prices go down. Wat the Toot! What makes you think oil prices go down, everything else goes down too! AAaaarrggh stupid irritating customer!

I've been trying to figure out the cheapest way to get maternity clothes and bingo! Ebay is always there to help. They sell used maternity clothes in bulk, so oklah kan. I'll only be using them for one last time *I hope* so why the need to get new ones...Plus they are still in quite good condition. I'll sell them back at ebay, after my pregnancy lah. Kwang kwang...

4 kids ley, so must find all ways to save money and not spend unnecessarily.

I cant eat too much at one time now, else I'll be like merlion. But I get hungry easily...and now very the hungry. Dat day I finished a the Big Mega Mac within minutes! Haha!

Ok talking bout it makes me hungrier.....chubby come and pick me up fasterlah...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cant fit it!

Waarrgh..I cant fit in my pants anymore.

After so nong nong time never went to look for maternity clothings, I went yesterday. Wah expensive sey. I've thrown away my old ones.

Maybe I'll just go bugis and see if there are cheaper options.

Like wasted right to buy the expensive clothings then only wear them for 9 mths. I cannot return it back to the shop, can i?

Anybody maybe got any maternity clothes that I could borrow, that would be very much appreciated *buat muka kesian*. Kwang Kwang.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

5 weeks 4 days..

I drank milk today!

Yes I did and finished it all up! Usually I could never even take a sip of it. But I added the protein it, so it makes it taste a whole lot better. Btw eh, protein is oso good for the post preggies as it firms up your fats and makes u slim down faster. It tones your body.

My temper is getting worst these days. I get agitated easily. I get very impatient, especially towards chubby.

Oh btw, cant wait for the genting trip next month. We'll be celebrating Xmas in cold cozy Genting. So syiok rite. I tell you, never do last minute bookings like I did. It had been the worst week last week for me. Took me 5 whole freaking days to get all in place, coach and hotel. By then I'll be 12 weeks liao and can only enjoy the lame rides...boring...

I asked chubby if I can still take the bumper car and he said NO! Waaarrghh!!

I know I'm suppose to post the fat pic of myself, but I still haven't taken any. Sowie! Soon k.

Not much different in me. Just same old same old. Only getting fatter and fatter.

My first prenatal check up will be on the 22nd Dec.

I lurve Dec!! Yahoo!! The holiday, the wedding convoy, the check up..

Dec, please come earlier will ya...

Monday, November 10, 2008

5 weeks Gestation

I'm in my 5th week already. There should be a heart beat by now.

Pain at my calves is gone. Amazingly, I'm still doing ok. Still have not experience any morning sickness, but having a slight heartburn at times.

I guess I've been eating supplements from Nutrilite, which had stabilized the nutrition and acidity in my body, prior to the pregnancy, making me feel very energized and do not experience any morning sickness like I did for the last 3.

So syiok! I've been eating like a pig recently. I must have rice else I'll be hungry in the next couple of hours.

Don know lah kan how many KGS I've gained now, but I guess must be a lot. I cant fit into my jeans anymore and I only have a few pants left which I tink I can fit it until end of this month only.

Sometimes I get the fluttering feeling in my tummy. Haha! Could it be the heart beat or my little one moving or I'm hungry again??

Mak saw me yesterday and said I look like a fat Cina bukit lady. Manje said I'm very selekeh. Hmph! Oklah must admit I look uglier and extremely fat now. Don't tink I look that pregnant yet, just FAT! Bah!

My daughter, Atu said, why is your tummy still small, when is it gonna grow big? Why so slow?Haha! So cute rite...Anig and Akim are too busy with their own things lah.Boys...

Oh and Atu even pull my chair for me, for me to sit....So suweet rite. Lucky me, I have a girl. Girls are generally more concerned and affectionate, agree?

A superhuman is growing inside Boo and she's loving every second of it...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Being a mother to.....4!

In nine months time, I'll be a mummy to 4, insyallah..


I cannot believe it myself! Believe it or not my tummy is already showing abit. Ok I'll post a pic of my ugly tummy in the next entry lah ok.

Already suffering from leg pain, unbelievable and it's killing me. I guess I have to start wearing flat shoe liao! Damn, I'm starting to look like humpty dumpty already......waaaahhhh!!!

Miracalously, I'm not suffering from morning sickness, like the last 3 I had.

Could being pregnant after 25 be the reason?

Someone I had avoided to talk about this called me just now to congratulate me...

Not that I don wanna share this good news with this person, but I feel as guilty as hell! I made the promise and by accident broke it. Sorry....I'm REALLY SORRY!!!

Well, anyway, been reading a lot lately about pregnancy, since I've not been for quite a number of years....4 yrs only lah actually...kwang kwang...

Just to share some infos I've read up to all new mummy to be and veteran mummies to be again like me, Folic acid and iron are very important supplements that should be taken in the first trimester. It is essential as it helps to develop the foetus properly and healthily. It reduces the risk of the baby being born with neural tube defect. Usually the doctor will recommend it to be eaten with Iron tablet.

Well, I prefer to take the one from Nutrilite. It's much easier also since its a combination of Both supplements. So no need to swallow to many pills lah. Also coz it's made from organic plant, thus making it a healthier choice.

Protein is also important, through out the pregnancy as protein now all the food you eat are divided into 2. Thus you must ensure that enough protein intake for both yr baby and yourself.

Lack of protein can cause legs swelling. That's the reason why most pregnant woman in the last trimester suffers from leg swellings.

I've not been sleeping well lately. Don't know why lah. Only yesterday, I managed to get the full 8 hrs sleep.

Better get to sleep now alreadylah.....I'll try to take the nicest pic of myself tomorrow and post it kz....

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm 5 weeks!

Yes I am...

And I'm sorry...

To those I made the promise to wait for you to have it first or planned to have it together..

It was unplanned and I'm suprised myself!

It first started out with very sore breast, then very very very bad breakout. Then came the fever and flu.

I missed my period for 3 days already and I am never late. Always early or ontime.

Checked yesterday on my own. At first it was only one line. But a few minutes later, it the other line showed vaguely.

I was still not sure if I was, cause it is really impossible. We were very careful.

Went to the doc just now, this time the line was much clearer and faster.

And the doc said, " Congratulations, you're expecting"

Well, what can I say. It was a mixed emotion. I'm happy of coz, but at the same time worried.

I already have 3 ley. Havin one more mouth to feed can be very very expensive. But they say, if God gives you the baby, He will sure give you more wealth...insyallah...amin.

I prayed hard since last nite, that let this be a blessing in disguise...

God, please please please, make this person I love with all my heart, pregnant also, so that we can share the same joy together.....amin amin ya rabbal al amin....