
Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Dream

I use to have a dream before. But I had chose to let it go then as it was too far beyond my reach, no matter how hard I had try to pull it nearer.

But last week, suddenly me and chubby were talking about it. Probably due to the fact that Ah Phat is working on it too and their excitement made us try to pull it again.

Then just last week, chubby's aunt pass away and his cousin had to come down to Singapore.

Well, God seems to be planning and helping us put the pieces together.

We met the cousin yesterday, told him our plan and it seems to be going right in place.

Insyallah, 2009 will be a very good year for us.

In 2009, we will welcome a new one and will be welcomed in a new place, insyallah amin...

I can see our forgotten dream turning into a reality's nearer....

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