
Monday, November 10, 2008

5 weeks Gestation

I'm in my 5th week already. There should be a heart beat by now.

Pain at my calves is gone. Amazingly, I'm still doing ok. Still have not experience any morning sickness, but having a slight heartburn at times.

I guess I've been eating supplements from Nutrilite, which had stabilized the nutrition and acidity in my body, prior to the pregnancy, making me feel very energized and do not experience any morning sickness like I did for the last 3.

So syiok! I've been eating like a pig recently. I must have rice else I'll be hungry in the next couple of hours.

Don know lah kan how many KGS I've gained now, but I guess must be a lot. I cant fit into my jeans anymore and I only have a few pants left which I tink I can fit it until end of this month only.

Sometimes I get the fluttering feeling in my tummy. Haha! Could it be the heart beat or my little one moving or I'm hungry again??

Mak saw me yesterday and said I look like a fat Cina bukit lady. Manje said I'm very selekeh. Hmph! Oklah must admit I look uglier and extremely fat now. Don't tink I look that pregnant yet, just FAT! Bah!

My daughter, Atu said, why is your tummy still small, when is it gonna grow big? Why so slow?Haha! So cute rite...Anig and Akim are too busy with their own things lah.Boys...

Oh and Atu even pull my chair for me, for me to sit....So suweet rite. Lucky me, I have a girl. Girls are generally more concerned and affectionate, agree?

A superhuman is growing inside Boo and she's loving every second of it...

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